Plan Your Backyard Play Structure with Landscaping in Mind

A kid plays on a swing set in a natural area.Watching your kids grow up is magical - but it can also be hard to keep up with the many and frequent changes. During their development stages, your little ones will use play and toys as important tools to discover the world around them. Because of this, they are likely to move on to the next adventure in a blink of an eye - and their play structure will need to evolve with them. So, how can you invest in a timeless and appealing play system?

At KidsGottaPlay, we know how beneficial play structures can be for your kids, but also understand that you’ll want your home and backyard to retain their aesthetic appeal. Here are some important reasons why you should opt to invest in a playscape that merges with the landscape.

A Smart Playground Can Increase Your Home’s Value

The right playground can add value to your home’s market price. Indeed, studies have shown how over 60% of house buyers had at least one child, and play areas were a feature they were actively interested in. At the same time, over the past two years, homebuyers have become increasingly interested in securing a green spot for themselves, and well-looked-after backyards have become an important must-have. Luckily, you can protect your property’s value by choosing a modern design that blends with the green backgrounds and keeping it in good repair.

A Nature-Inspired Playscape Offers Aesthetic Value

While we consider vintage play areas charming, old-school playgrounds can sometimes feel unsafe, unkempt, and out of place. You can ensure that your home’s play system won’t look like this by opting for a modern and timeless design. 

There are many ways to create a harmonious structure that merges with the landscape:

  • If trees surround the area, opt for taller structures that develop upwards
  • Use the same patterns and color schemes as the surrounding area
  • Use natural materials, including wood and metal
  • Choose playground components that mimic natural environments

Studies have shown how playing in a natural environment can help your kids develop motor and social skills. Whether you have the chance to actively integrate natural areas, or you can only mimic the greenery of the landscape, playscapes can offer aesthetic value. And, if you have opted for a more modern design, remember that the right shapes and materials can help the play system look like artwork!

Your Kids Can Play in a More Extensive Area

Custom play systems are a great way to provide your kids with a safe and dedicated space for them to explore imaginative play and practice physical activities. From climbing to running, sliding, and jumping, outdoor play structures are instrumental in supporting the development, physical abilities, and social skills

At the same time, your kids will outgrow their dedicated play area quicker than you can realize. In this case, a play structure that merges with the surrounding environment supports these chances and reduces barriers. So, as they grow, your kids can continue leveling up their skills and explore different aspects of imaginative play. 

The Ultimate Backyard Playscape: Opt for a Custom-Designed Structure

Each backyard is unique and, without the right design expertise, it can be challenging to find a play area structure that is safe, functional, aesthetically appealing, and perfectly blended with the surrounding environment.

If you are looking to merge your play structure with the natural background, make sure to partner with an expert team. The landscapers and designers at KidsGottaPlay can help you find the best accessories to create the ultimate custom playscape for your little ones. 

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